

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
Sep 27, 23
Sep 27, 23
Ohio ADA Compliance

Ohio State has a goal to achieve complete web accessibility thereby their citizens can access each digital product and service whenever they want to.

It is imperative to ensure maximum digital accessibility in administrative work and academics as well. So, the major population of Ohio including students and employees of all public and private sector organizations and educational institutes can use every web product. 这些指导方针适用于那些在俄亥俄州设计、购买和使用他们的数字资源的人.

Initially, 该政策被称为“临时数码无障碍政策”, 于2018年8月生效. 在2018年之前,2004年通过了最低网页可访问性标准(MDAS). After many revisions, MDAS became the Interim Digital Accessibility Policy and now it is Digital Accessibility Policy.


The Ohio State’s Minimum Digital Accessibility Standards have been adopted directly from some of the W3C guidelines.

  • Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG.俄亥俄州的所有组织都必须遵循1级AA.
  • WAI-ARIA创作实践.1 to ensure web-based content meets expected behaviours for users of assistive technologies.



  • Success Criterion 1.2.MDAS不需要音频描述(预录). 然而,成功标准1.2.3 is needed to apply in which a transcript for pre-recorded media is needed if an audio description track is not provided.
  • Success Criterion 1.4.11非文本对比适用于焦点指标和成功标准2.4.如果文档覆盖了默认的浏览器样式,7可以帮助用户依赖键盘焦点.

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Revision history


  • 2004年-创建了最低网页可访问性标准.
  • 2013年,MWAS更新了新的标准和建议.
  • May 5, 2017 – Minimum 无障碍网页标准 was renamed to Minimum Digital Accessibility Standards with updated WCAG 2.0和WCAG2ICT标准,以扩大无障碍改进的范围.
  • 2018 – Minimum Digital Accessibility Standards became Interim Digital Accessibility Policy.
  • 2020年6月22日- WAI-ARIA创作实践.1被添加到标准中.
  • September 1, 2021 – WCAG latest version was adopted by the government to create new Digital Accessibility Policy. 还增加了其澄清和修正一节.

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以满足俄亥俄州的网页可访问性, all digital information and services must be designed for functional accessibility and not only for technical accessibility. To put it simple, the web pages not only be coded correctly but they should be tested thoroughly thereby users can use them effectively to perform the given task.

Functional accessibility can be achieved by keeping your website resources straightforward, unambiguous, and easy to use. For instance, users with visual impairments use screen readers to render text and images as speech or braille output thereby they can navigate through all the web pages. Thus, you need to create such pages that have proper chunks of content with correctly mentioned links, headings, 可访问表单元素, 清晰书写的Alt文本, etc.

Improper semantics and inappropriate textual descriptions for images and links make it difficult for screen readers to understand the content and does not help users with the right information. 有时,一些动态内容和插件也可能无法通过屏幕阅读器访问. Ohio State recommends websites testing for a variety of screen readers to avoid accessibility issues.


  • 文本放大和缩小需要为用户患有低视力.
  • 根据WCAG的建议,前景文本和背景颜色的对比必须适当.
  • Websites should not use color as the sole means of disseminating information so that users who have issues perceiving colors do not face problems while accessing the content.
  • 音频/视频内容需要字幕或替代听觉提示.
  • Furthermore, limited motor acuity can affect user’s response time to navigate through or they might not navigate at all using a mouse or trackpad as a pointing device; thus, 网站语音识别兼容性是必需的.
  • Websites must have information representation in such a way that even users with cognitive disorders (verbal, reading, 或注意力问题)可以阅读和理解内容. 表达清晰,逻辑结构,语法和拼写正确等. 能否为有认知问题的用户制作一个全面的网页.
  • pdf和其他附加文件也必须是可访问的.
  • Legacy digital products or services must offer accessible solutions if they are specifically requested by users to be made accessible under WCAG standards within a given timeline.
  • Archived digital information or services are not required to convert to meet accessibility standards unless they are requested by or on behalf of the eligible person.
  • 聘请ADA协调员来审查你的网站,并帮助你进行必要的改进.

无障碍遵守WCAG 2的例外情况.1 standards

If digital compliance is not possible in some cases or require huge measures to transform the inaccessible information, 然后组织可能会要求对该部分进行例外处理.

Requests for such types of exceptions can be made within the accessibility exception tracking system using the given accommodation-based exception request form.

As soon as the requests are received by ADA coordinators and if they find product information, web designs, or user feedback shows a profound difference between the original product and accessibility guidelines, 它们开始出现异常.

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建立一个可访问的网络世界是一个简单的过程. You only need to adhere to defined laws and guidelines while designing or remediating the website or application. Read WCAG standards thoroughly or hire an experienced web development company to resolve accessibility issues of your website.

We are a proud International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) member which help us to be a part of the global accessibility community and stay up to date with compliance guidelines.

您的网站、网页应用程序、文档或移动应用程序是否可供残疾人访问? If your answer is No and you are looking to convert your business website or application into ADA or looking for a new accessible website or application, 我们的专业和敬业的团队提供完整的 ADA网页无障碍服务 including audit, strategy, design, 并开发符合无障碍法规(如ADA)的服务, WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.在你的预算范围内. Reach us at hello@jiechengstone.net 或提交以下要求免费报价表格.
